
humic acid

Humic Acid: Effects in Crop Drought Resistance

As the global climate changes, drought is already a major problem we face. In addition, over-cultivation and heavy soil loading lead to a decline in soil organic matter content. Biostimulant products can promote crops’ tolerance to water stress through direct and indirect ways, among which humic acid has been widely recognized for improving crops’ drought …

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Polyaspartic Acid

Study on the Application of Polyaspartic Acid in Water Soluble Fertilizer

Polyaspartic acid (PASP) is a synthetic water-soluble protein that naturally exists in the mucus of marine shellfish such as oysters. It is an active substance for marine shellfish to enrich nutrients and build shells. As a new type of fertilizer synergist, it  can enhance the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements by crops.  …

Study on the Application of Polyaspartic Acid in Water Soluble Fertilizer Read More »

Mineral Potassium Fulvate

Mineral Potassium Fulvate VS Biochemical Potassium Fulvate

As we all know, potassium fulvate is very helpful in improving soil quality, helping crop growth, improving crop yield and quality, especially the effect of mineral source potassium fulvate is more obvious. Mineral potassium fulvate is good, but the good effect is based on the correct use, and it also has contraindications. What are the …

Mineral Potassium Fulvate VS Biochemical Potassium Fulvate Read More »

Why polyglutamic acid can control soil compaction

Why γ-Polyglutamic Acid(γ-PGA) Can Control Soil Compaction?

Do you know why the soil is compacted? The biggest headache for farmers is soil hardening, which seriously affects the quality and yield of crops. Soil compaction is the enemy of agricultural production. Why does soil compact? Soil compaction is the phenomenon that the surface layer of the soil due to the lack of organic …

Why γ-Polyglutamic Acid(γ-PGA) Can Control Soil Compaction? Read More »

humic acid

The Difference Between Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid

Humic acid is the remains of animals and plants, mainly the remains of plants. It is a kind of macromolecular organic weak acid mixture accumulated after the decomposition and transformation of microorganisms, as well as a series of changes in geochemistry and physics. According to their different solubility and color in different solvents, they are …

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fulvic acid

Fulvic Acid: How does fulvic acid improve the utilization rate of N, P and K in fertilizer?

Fulvic acid is the best core component of soil humus. It is a small molecular weight and fully water-soluble organic aromatic substance generated by the decomposition and decomposition of organic matter. It is the best humic acid component in the soil and the core substance that forms the soil aggregate structure. It contains functional groups …

Fulvic Acid: How does fulvic acid improve the utilization rate of N, P and K in fertilizer? Read More »

5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)

Compounding of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and fertilizers

5-ALA is a natural amino acid that exists in organisms. It is an organic compound containing oxygen and nitrogen. It is a common precursor for the biosynthesis of all porphyrin compounds. It is naturally present in plants, necessary for plant life activities, and has active metabolism. biologically active substances. 5-ALA can be compounded with various …

Compounding of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and fertilizers Read More »

5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)

5-Aminolevulinic Acid–Multifunctional Regulator

5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is an organic compound containing oxygen and nitrogen. It is a common precursor for the biosynthesis of all porphyrin compounds. Non-protein amino acids in the body. Physiologically active substances that naturally exist in plants, are necessary for plant life activities, and have active metabolism. No toxic side effects, easy to degrade without …

5-Aminolevulinic Acid–Multifunctional Regulator Read More »

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