The Effect of Zinc Fertilizer on Crops

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Home / The Effect of Zinc Fertilizer on Crops

Zinc indirectly affects the synthesis of auxin in crops. When crops are deficient in zinc, the auxin content in stems and buds is reduced, the growth is stagnant, and the plants are short. At the same time, zinc is also an activator of many enzymes. It has a wide range of effects on plant carbon and nitrogen metabolism, thus contributing to photosynthesis. Zinc can also enhance plant stress resistance, increase grain weight, and change the ratio of seeds to stems.

The relationship between crop zinc deficiency and the environment

  1. Soil deficient in zinc. In alkaline and neutral soils, soils with available zinc <0.5 mg/kg are zinc deficient soils. The soil pH value is generally greater than 7, and plants are prone to zinc deficiency symptoms.
  2. Soil that is not deficient in zinc. Due to the low temperature in early spring, the soil is cold, the activities of various microorganisms are slow, soil nutrients are not fully dissolved, and the root systems of crops are weak and have poor absorption capacity. Especially after the rice seedlings are transplanted, the root system is damaged and the absorption capacity is poor, so it is easy to show symptoms of zinc deficiency.
  3. Related to soil organic matter. 50-60% of the zinc in the soil is fixed by the organic matter in the soil, forming insoluble zinc that is not absorbed by crops.
  4. Soil high in phosphorus. Excessive application of phosphorus fertilizer can easily cause zinc deficiency. Excessive inorganic phosphorus combines with zinc in the plant and forms a deposit in the leaf veins, causing zinc deficiency in the plant.
  5. Related to soil environment. Zinc deficiency in crops is related to the combined effects of adverse environmental factors such as the accumulation and poisoning of herbicides and organic pesticides applied to the soil in successive years.

How to supplement zinc fertilizer?

Zinc fertilizer can be applied as basal fertilizer, top dressing, seed soaking, seed dressing, and spraying. Generally speaking, the effect of spraying as a foliar fertilizer is relatively good!

  1. Zinc fertilizer is best used on crops that are sensitive to zinc. Such as corn, rice, peanuts, soybeans, sugar beets, beans, fruit trees, tomatoes, etc.
  2. Apply to zinc-deficient soil. It is better to apply zinc fertilizer to zinc-deficient soil. If the plants show symptoms of zinc deficiency in the early stage, it may be due to low temperatures in early spring, weak microbial activity, incomplete fertilizer dissolution, weak root activity of the seedlings. And poor absorption capacity; phosphorus-zinc antagonism, and soil environmental effects may lead to zinc deficiency. But when the temperature rises later, this symptom disappears.
  3. As a base fertilizer and apply it every other year. Zinc fertilizer has a long residual effect as a base fertilizer, so it does not need to be applied every year.

Common zinc fertilizer include zinc sulfate heptahydrate, zinc sulfate monohydrate, chelated zinc, etc.

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