DMPP (3,4-Dimethylpyrazole Phosphate)

CAS NO: 202842-98-6
Molecular formula: C5H11N2O4P
Appearance: White to yellow-white crystalline solids
Content: 98.0% min
Melting point: 167-170℃

DMPP (3,4- dimethylpyrazole phosphate) is a nitrification inhibitor. Nitrification inhibitors are a class of substances that have the function of inhibiting the activities of nitrosating bacteria. It can inhibit the activity of nitrification, nitrification and denitrification bacteria in the soil, thereby hindering the conversion of NH4-N to NO3-N, controlling the nitrogen in the soil to exist in the form of NH4-N as much as possible, and reducing the nitrogen fertilizer to be leached in the form of NO3-N After loss and denitrification, it is released into the atmosphere in gaseous state. Therefore, nitrification inhibitors can reduce the pollution of groundwater and air caused by fertilization while increasing nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency, increasing crop yield and improving crop quality.

DMPP (3,4- dimethylpyrazole phosphate) is a nitrification inhibitor that is efficient, safe and nontoxic. And it is also environmental and less cost. The effective period of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer can be extended from 25 days to more than 50 days. The utilization rate can be increased from 30% to 40%.

The mechanism of action of DMPP:

DMPP exerts its effect through the first step of nitrification. That is, it can reduce the activity of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (represented by Nitrosomonas) in the soil within a certain period of time. Thereby hindering the conversion of NH4-N to NO3-N, and avoiding nitrogen fertilizer from being leached or volatilized. It has no effect on the second step of the nitrification process, but as long as the first step of the nitrification reaction is inhibited, the entire nitrification reaction will be inhibited.

Application advantages:

  1. No toxic effect on plants;
  2. Can be completely decomposed in soil;
  3. No residues in harvested produce;
  4. No toxic effect on other soil microorganisms;
  5. No leaching in the soil;
  6. Non-irritating to human skin or eyes;
  7. The dosage is low, the dosage of 0.5-1.5kg/hm2 can achieve the best effect;
  8. The effective period in the soil can be up to 4-10 weeks.

In agricultural applications, DMPP can mix with fertilizers in the form of solid particles, and can also mix with liquid fertilizers in liquid form without affecting its effect.

As a new type of nitrification inhibitor, DMPP has positive effects in reducing nitrogen loss, reducing environmental pollution, improving nitrogen use efficiency, increasing crop yield and improving the quality of agricultural products.

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