
Magnesium Nitrate Prills

Molecular Formula:Mg(NO3)2·6H2O
CAS No:13446-18-9
Magnesium Nitrate (Mg(NO3)2.6H2O): 98.0% min.
Water Insoluble Matter: 0.05% max.
Fe: 0.001% max.
Heavy Metals (as Pd): 0.002% max.
Magnesia(MgO): 15% min.
N:10.7% min.

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Magnesium nitrate prills is easily soluble in water. It is a kind of full magnesium nitrate based crop fertilizer. Can quickly provide nitrogen and magnesium to crops. It is suitable for a variety of fruits and vegetables, peanuts and other greenhouse crops, field crops, flowers, etc. Fertilization methods: drip irrigation and foliar spraying.

Application of Magnesium Nitrate Prills in Agriculture

  1. Magnesium nitrate prills can provide crops with water-soluble nitrate nitrogen and water-soluble magnesium, and can quickly supplement magnesium to crops.
  2. Increase the content of chlorophyll in plants and promote photosynthesis of crops.
  3. It is completely water-soluble and can be quickly absorbed by plants.

Advantages in Agriculture

  • Nutrients released evenly, the fertilizer effect is quick, stable and long.
  • It does not contain chloride ions, sodium ions, sulfates, heavy metals, etc., which are safe for plants, especially suitable for crop seedlings.
  • It has an improvement effect on acidic soil, and will not cause soil compaction and loosen the soil.
  • It can promote chlorophyll content, increase photosynthesis, make small leaves become larger leaves, yellow leaves become green leaves, rolled leaves become unfolded leaves。
  • It promotes the transformation and metabolism of carbohydrates and the synthesis of fat and protein in crops.
  • Promote the formation of vitamin A and vitamin C in crops. Thereby improve the quality of fruits, vegetables and other crops to increase production and income.
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