
Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN)

Molecular Formula: 5Ca(NO3)2 NH4·NO310H2O
CAS No.: 15245-12-2
Total Nitrogen:15.0%
Nitrate Nitrogen:14.0% min.
Ammonium Nitrogen:1.0% min.
Calcium: 18.0% min.
Calcium Oxide: 25.0% min.

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Calcium ammonium nitrate contains two nitrogen sources, nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen. The content of nitrate nitrogen is more than 14.0%. After application, it can be directly absorbed and utilized by crops without soil transformation. The loss of nitrogen volatilization is small, and the absorption and utilization rate is high.

It is a physiologically neutral fertilizer, suitable for a variety of soils. It can increase the soil aggregate structure and reduce compaction. And it can also reduce the concentration of active aluminum in the soil, reduce the fixation of active phosphorus, and provide water-soluble calcium, thereby enhancing the resistance of plants to disease resistance.

The Function of calcium ammonium nitrate:

1. Supply crops with a large amount of nitrogen and calcium elements.

  • CAN can be efficiently absorbed by crops, promoting rooting of crops, strong growth of plants, and rapid expansion of fruits.
  • It also neutralizes organic acids formed during crop metabolism, regulates the pH of crops, and prevents the invasion of cellular pathogens.
  • It is conducive to the balanced absorption of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other nutrients, thereby improving the disease resistance and disease resistance of crops.

2.Applying calcium ammonium nitrate to flowers, fruits, and vegetables can prolong the flowering period, promote the normal growth and metabolism of crop roots, stems, and leaves, and make the fruits bright in color. And increase the content of sugar and vitamins in the fruit. Extend the freshness and storage period of fruits, increase yield and improve quality.

  • Improve the uniformity of the fruit
  • Promote the expansion of the fruit
  • Increase the sugar content of the fruit
  • Ensure the bright color of the fruit


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