5 Benefits of Foliar Fertilizers

5 Benefits of Foliar Fertilizers Wellyou Tech
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Foliar fertilizers are mainly to help crops supplement some medium and micronutrients or growth regulators, etc., which is also necessary to increase crop yield and improve quality.

Also, in some special cases, such as the late reproductive growth stage of field crops, which is also an important period for yield formation, the above-ground parts of fruits and so on are lacking in calcium and boron and other middle and micronutrient elements. At this time, the root system vitality decline, nutrient absorption capacity is weakened, it is necessary to supplement through the foliar fertiliser.

Foliar fertilizers can flexibly supplement the large and medium microelements, absorption and utilization rate is high, can improve crop resistance, disease resistance, alleviate physiological diseases, promote crop growth, flowering, fruit expansion, colour and so on.

Advantages of foliar fertilizers


01. Fast absorption

Soil fertilizers, a variety of nutrients are first adsorbed by the soil. Some fertilisers must also undergo a transformation process in the soil, and then through the ion exchange or diffusion effect is absorbed by the root system of the cro. Through the roots and stems of the vascular bundles, and then to reach the leaves of the nutrient transport distance, slow speed.

The use of foliar fertilizers, a variety of nutrients can be quickly absorbed by the crop leaves, directly from the leaves into the plant body, to participate in the crop metabolism. Therefore, its speed and effect are faster than the role of soil application of fertiliser. According to research, the speed of leaf fertiliser uptake is about one times faster than the speed of root fertiliser uptake.

02. Strong role

Foliar fertilization due to nutrients directly from the leaves into the object, absorption speed, can be in a short period of time so that the nutrients in the crop body greatly increased, and quickly alleviate the crop’s lack of fertilizer, to play the biggest benefit of fertilizer.

Through the foliar application of fertiliser can strongly promote the progress of various physiological processes in the crop, significantly increase the intensity of photosynthesis, improve enzyme activity, promote the synthesis of organic matter, transformation and transport, conducive to the accumulation of dry matter, can improve yield, improve quality.

03. The amount of provincial

Foliar application of fertiliser is generally less dosage, especially for boron, manganese, molybdenum, iron and other trace elements fertilizers, the use of root fertilization usually requires a larger dosage to meet the needs of the crop.

And foliar application of fertiliser concentrated sprayed on the crop leaves, usually with a fraction of the soil application of fertiliser or a dozen of the dosage can achieve satisfactory results.

04. High efficiency

Foliar spraying fertiliser has the advantages of fast fertiliser efficiency, high utilisation rate, significant effect, easy to implement, etc. It is more and more popular among planting friends.

05. Economic

Various trace elements are essential nutrients in the process of crop growth and development, but the amount of application is very small, such as molybdenum fertilizer, only a few grams per acre, if the root application method is not easy to apply evenly. Only by foliar spraying, in order to achieve cost-effective.

According to research calculations, the general crop in the foliar spray boron fertiliser, boron utilisation is more than 8 times the base application, from the economic benefits, foliar spraying than root application to be cost-effective.

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