5-Aminolevulinic Acid (5-ALA) Significantly Promotes Fruit Color Change

5-Aminolevulinic Acid (5-ALA) Significantly Promotes Fruit Color Change
Home / 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (5-ALA) Significantly Promotes Fruit Color Change

5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is an essential substance for organisms to synthesize chlorophyll, heme, vitamin B12, etc. It is also an important organic synthesis intermediate. As a photosensitizer, 5-ALA has a wide range of applications, and is currently mostly used in medicine and agricultural production.

In agricultural production, 5-ALA can regulate chlorophyll synthesis, improve photosynthetic efficiency, and promote photosynthesis. 5-ALA can promote basic physiological activities such as plant tissue differentiation.

5-Aminolevulinic Acid is closely related to the synthesis and accumulation of anthocyanins in fruits and vegetables. 5-ALA treatment can effectively promote the expression of related genes, thereby promoting the early synthesis and accumulation of anthocyanins in the peel and affecting fruit coloration.

Treatment with a certain concentration of exogenous 5-ALA not only significantly increased the anthocyanin content of apple peels and improved the appearance quality, but also increased the soluble solid content and solid-acid ratio of the fruit, thus improving the intrinsic quality. At the same time, the shelf life of the fruit is not shortened, and its color-promoting effect is no less than that of auxin or ethephon, without the latter’s side effects.

Instructions and dosage

  • Critical period of growth: recommended concentration is 20-50mg/L
  • Color change period: Generally used from the end of fruit enlargement, spray once every seven days, the recommended concentration is 100-200mg/L
*Drip irrigation/flush application:
  • After appropriate dilution, apply with irrigation/drip irrigation. the dosage is 600-1000g/ha.

Precautions of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (5-ALA)

  1. It is not recommended to be used together with alkaline substances.
  2. It is recommended to reduce the dosage when used together with plant regulators such as stimulants.
  3. Pay attention to avoid light and high temperature
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